Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Scavenger Hunt (Emotions) - Dakota Wilson, Brooke Albrecht, KORTH FARID RUSHDI, Whitney Brown, CiCi Cazier, Hayden Mecham, SELICIA REYES

Sleepy - Deep Depth of Field

Proud - Long Shutter Speed

Compassion - Fluorescent Light WB Setting
Lust- tungsten WB &^ low ISO
Envy- High ISO & Fast Shutter
Rapture- f5.6 @ 1/60
Gratitude- Slow Shutter Speed & Changing focal length
Angst- Auto W.B. with slow shutter speed.

Awe - 100 ISO with Shallow Depth of Field
Wonder- Tungsten
Sweaty- Wide Aperture 1600 ISO 
Annoyed- Close up
Guilty- Shallow Depth of Field
Lucky- 400 ISO Cloudy

Nervous - Shallow DOF
Horrified - Indcandescent, Short DOF, asymmetrical
Happy - Close up, fast shutter
Surprised - short DOF, high ISO, slow shutter
Hunger - color, line, repetition
Disgusted - extreme close up, short DOF
Vulnerable - high angle, long DOF
Dizzy - long shutter, fluorescent, panning
Energetic - panning
Relief - panning, low ISO
Amused: Focal length

Anger: Short focal length 
Irritated: low ISO
Confident: Cloudy
Jealous: Shade WB
Joy-800 ISO
Love - Anything Goes
Sadness - Tungsten White Balance 
Afraid - (scared of a object)
Helpless - Tungsten WB in Sunlight

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