Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Scavenger Hunt - Allison Bishop

1) Incorporate 3 different fall colors using a daylight setting
2) Find a series of trees and use shallow depth of field
3) Throw leaves in the air and blur the motion using a slow shutter speed
4) Bracket some fall thing (-2)

4) Bracket some fall thing (-1)

4) Bracket some fall thing (0)

4) Bracket some fall thing (+1)

4) Bracket some fall thing (+2)
5) Take a picture of a dead branch and use a long focal length
6) Take a portrait of somebody wearing fall colors - use shallow depth of field
7) Capture a picture of fire using a fast shutter speed
8) Take a picture of your favorite fall thing with ISO 1600
9) Capture the full moon at night
10) Take a picture of the sunset and have deep depth of field 
11) Take a picture of hands holding hot chocolate - shallow depth of field
12) Find Halloween Decorations and use ISO 200
13) Take a picture using the fluorescent white balance setting 
14) Take a picture looking up into a tree with fall colors
and capture the light filtering through the leaves
15) Take a warm picture using fluorescent white balance setting
16) Take a picture of someone "fall"-ing
17) Find the reddest thing you can and use a focal length of 40
with the daylight white balance setting
18) Take a macro photo of dead plants
19) Take a landscape photo that includes trees and roads
and/or mountains with low clouds
20) Do something cool with water (Has to still be fall related)

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